3D Quality Control And Reporting

What is a 3D Quality Control?

3D Quality Control is the evaluation of industrially manufactured parts in detailed measures by using 3D Quality Control Systems. In the process, the object’s data is displayed and analyzed in 3D form by using CAD. Especially during pre-production stage of the manufacturing life cycle, this method can effectively optimize the final product.

How to do a 3D Quality Control?

Our experienced engineers are doing 3-Dimensional Quality Control with different 3D scanning equipment. Simply said, camera-based scanning can be defined as the process of digitizing millions of points as a light source is projected onto the object. The 3D scanning camera is taking photographs with the reflected light, that can be transferred into 3-dimensional data. The resulting digital data is called a point cloud, that can be given as polygon data. This data can be processed using 3-dimensional coordinate measuring systems (CMM: Coordinate Measuring Machine), the point cloud visualizes the external surface of the scanned object. Since we are the Link to the Future, we go one step further and provide our customers internal details of parts with XRAY CT technologies too. For both methods, commonly used data formats are: STL, OBJ, PLY, WRL and more.

The created point cloud map is cross-examined through various methods (e.g. Best-fit, RPS, 3-2-1, …) and then all the differences are observed. The most common methods for this are:

  • Creation of a surface deviation map.
  • Physical method by marking specific points.
  • Appliance of 3D GD&T.
  • Appliance of 2D GD&T.
  • Measuring via a cross-section.
  • Checking of the trim lines.
  • Measuring of body thickness.
  • Volume calculation.
  • Surface calculation.
  • Checking of silhouette deviation.
  • Automatic reporting.

Quality Control Result

Types of 3D Quality Control

There are many different ways of  3-Dimensional Quality Control. Our experienced engineers know all of the professional types:

  • Preliminary sample measuring (PPAP, FAI).
  • Pre-mass production measuring.
  • Template deformation measuring.
  • Chipped production measuring.
  • Analysis of competing products.
  • Measuring backward spring in steel parts.
  • Measuring finish allowance in cast iron parts.

We offer customized solutions to help your business grow and achieve its goals.

We not only care about your business but also your dreams. That’s why we do our best to work together and turn your ideas into reality.


Our certified 3D scanning method is powered by special lenses and light sources. Therefore, it has various advantages compared to conventional quality control methods.

  • More precise data than traditional quality control applications.
  • Instead of recording one specific aspect, 3D scanning systems record the complete data of an object.
  • The resulting data can directly be translated into engineering phase of a project.
  • The scanning process can be automatically repeated for another part in the same production series.

Important factors

  • Digitization systems are developing day by day. Therefore, it is fundamental to stay up to date with the newest technologies
  • High sensitivity in comparison with all non-3D measurement systems.
  • The sensitivity of measuring equipment should be higher than general tolerances of any given part that is being measured.
  • Measuring equipment should have the certificate of measurements.
  • Different technologies can be more suitable for the part being measured.
  • Depending on the amount of production, more than one part should be measured for pre-mass production or sampling measurements.
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