In FFF 3D printing, PLA is one of the most common materials used as it is versatile and easy to print. It is possible to use it for a wide variety of applications.

First of all, let’s start by explaining what PLA is. PLA, or PolyLactic Acid, is a plastic material which is widely used in FFF or FDM 3D printing due to its cheapness, accessibility and ease-of-use. Most applications used in PLA printing do not usually require high thermal or mechanical resistance.
PLA presents a very detailed surface finish. Despite the fact that some PLAs on 3D printing presents a more matte colour, the majority of PLAs are generally shiny. There are many colours for PLA, including transparent or multicolour PLA.            PLA has good flexibility and it also has fragile aspects. At the same time, it has a good UV resistance, which allows you to use PLA parts for other applications as well. It is also odour-free and water-tight, making it ideal for education and office environment. Furthermore, PLA is able to endure up to 50ºC.
Secondly, there are several points to take into consideration before the printing process irrespective of material. Still, achieving the best result is possible via understanding the basic printing settings. There are more than one kind of PLA, which means the settings can change. The first thing we must take into account is the printing temperature. It is important to know which temperature to apply for a specific type of PLA. This will help you avoid possible extrusion problems and thus guarantee the best surface quality. Another important setting is build plate temperature. Through this setting, you will be able to achieve the best quality on the first layers, which is the most important layer in PLA 3D printing.
After setting up the basic parameters, it is important to keep in mind that plastic absorbs moisture from the air. Thus, it must not be forgotten that if the filament is exposed to humidity for a long period of time, there may be some trouble printing it. It is essential to print in a ventilated area. Using PLA in 3D printing is effective and easy, but it must not be forgotten that there are important steps to follow, among which is printing temperature.
Contact us for more information on PLA printing and more!

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